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* accessing the CDA
cda cda cda
cda cda cda
CDA is
available for use by faculty, students and staff of the School of Arts and Architecture.
If you are enrolled
in class at the CDA, your professor or teaching assistant will have a list of
accounts during the first two weeks of the quarter. If you do not appear on
the list, verify you are officially enroll in the class with URSA and send your
full name, Bruin Online email address,
and student ID to Paul. Once you are officially
enrolled, your account information with be emailed to you.
If you are not enrolled in a class taught at the CDA, and are faculty, student, or staff at the ucla school of arts and architecture, you will need to fill out a special access form. Please remember to fill out all the required information, including the signature of a faculty sponsor. Please return the completed form to the consultant on duty at the cda front desk.
For access to the Video Labs all persons must fill out a special video access form and schedule a meeting with Ann Kaneko to discuss your project.
with an account?
If you have any problems with a new account, please try to resolve it through
your teaching assistant, the consultant at the front desk or the help
section of this site. That should solve most common problems with the login
procedure. If they are unable to help, please send e-mail to Support
with a description of the problem including what platform (i.e. Mac or Windows)
you are using to login.
access forms are
also available on the bulletin board in the CDA lobby. Ask the consultant working
at the desk to provide you with one. Return the completed form to the consultant
on duty at the cda front desk.
If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader or don't want to print out the on-line access form, you can pickup a copy of the form from the consultant on duty at CDA.