Course Schedule
Interactive Media & Lingo, taught by George Legrady
Design 157 UCLA Winter 1998

TA: Brandon Rickman (, Muyao Chang (

 Week Dates    
 1  1.13/14 Introduction to Director  
 2  1.20/21 Course focus (concept, technique, design), examples, interactivity
    Lingo dir environment: Director metaphors - casts, score, stage, scripts, etc. , score script, movie script, sprites, locH, locV, the mouseH, the mouseV, true/false
    Project personal description with photo
   1.23/26 Lingo random(), rollover(), if/then/else/end if condition, sprite properties: blend, visible/not visible, text/fields, not, tool palette
 3 1.27/28 Theory syllogisms (<,>,<>, =, not,true,false), communication structure
    Lingo frame to frame, markers, mousedown - text highlight, navigation, 4 different scripts, local/global variables
    Project 8-item menu assign, map, interactive comic (metaphor.dir, archive menu)
  1.30/2.2 Lab (completion of menu project) individual meetings
    Text Computing Multimedia, chapter 4
 4 2.3/4 Theory montage/mise-en-scene, non-linear narrative structure
    Lingo sound, puppetsound, volume
    Semester Project: Concept Development storyboard design/lay-out rough version
  2.6/9 Lab web/library research/individual meetings
    Text Section from Understanding Comics, research
 5 2.10/11 Theory sequence, image/text relationships, comics, films
research - narrative, image/text, comics, cinematic structures
    Lingo QuickTime
    Semester Project: Concept Development storyboard design/lay-out clean version
  2.13 Lab web/library research/individual meetings
 6 2.17/18 Presentation/discussion storyboard final project
    Theory introduction to semiotics, signs
    Lingo text handling
    Semester Project Organize image/texts
  2.20/23 Lab web/library research/individual meetings
 7 2.24/5 Theory image/text sequence - individual meetings
    Lingo answers to questions
    Semester Project score assembly
    Lab web/library research/individual meetings
 8 3.3/4 Theory Metaphors
    Lingo answers to questions
    Semester Project Lingo scripting
 9 3.10/11 Individual Meetings  
    Lingo answers to questions
    Semester Project finalize production/review
   3.13/16 Lab web/library research/individual meetings
    Final quiz/test  
10 3.17/18 Final presentations: Semester Project